
DLH Productions is the work of Portland's very own Dave Hupp. He's a local professional photographer that has been shooting and filming skateboarding in the Northwest for years. His work can be seen in movies, magazines, and more. Check out his website and tell him Burnsideskatepark.com sent you.
Go to site >>
"Built without permission, by skateboarders and later sanctioned by the city, Burnside is the preeminent example of action.... Like a magnifying glass in the sun, Burnside can witness a concentration of skill level unmatched anywhere. You can see crazy, crazy things there. Go, watch, learn, be humbled, excited and inspired. It is amazing."
- From Skate Oregon

First Annual Skate Day for Kids!

Thursday, November 10
Burnside skate park presents the first annual skate days for kids!

When? Monday and Tuesday December 19th and 20th.

Pro skateboard instructors featuring Kevin Kowalski ,Cody Lockwood and many more.

Teaching skills such as:
safety tips
skate courtesy
Potty mouth prevention
park education and cleanup

music to ride to
Lovely parting gifts (skate stickers ect.)
End of camp on Tuesday features miniature contest for those whom choose
to show off there skills and possibly win prizes!

10 am - 12 pm for 4 to 10 year old and 12.30 pm to 3.30 pm for 11 to 16 year old.
Minimum park donation 15 $ per day or 25$ for both days.
Helmets required (state law) pads recommended.

Please RSVP in advance by e-mail to burnsideskatepark@gmail.com.

That's it. Go skate!
11/10/2011 03:30:00 PM :: ::


Created by weekendwarrior 2004

Images hosted by Photobucket
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Who are these guys that kill it at Burnside? The plan is to interview a different local each month to get different views from the people that skate one of the best parks in the world.
Burnside e-mail
Contact us with any questions or comments you might have concerning the park. We'll try to get back to you as quick as we can.
Old Stuff