It's Alive! Aliiiive!
Friday, January 19
Well, well, well, You thought this site was dead, didn't you? Well it's not. I've just been lagging and haven't really felt like dealing with it for a while, almost a year now, damn. I'm accetping requests to become members of this site from locals, so if you're interested you can either shoot me an e-mail to or just talk to me in person. What's a member do? It will allow you to post your own entries, just like this here on the Burnside Skatepark site. I know a couple of you locals have asked about it, so here's your chance.Anyhow, I just wanted to give a heads up on some stuff I'm going to be working on for the site. I'm going to try and sit down with a few locals and do a quick interview with them to get thier opinions on the state of Burnside. Who? Well, that I'm not all that sure of yet. Maybe I can track down a few of the local pros, if not I'll settle for some local lurkers.
There's also been a couple new additions to Burnside, one of which has already been removed, that I'll add photos of. If you didn't get a chance to try out the bump to pole jam, you missed out. That little addition really serperated the men from the boys down here. Not to mention it also destroyed many a tail during the attempts, mine included. The jersey barrier wall will be destroyed very soon, so if you haven't skated it yet, get down here on the first dry day and get in your runs. It's a throwback to the old Burnside days when you had to work just to get a grind, but once you do you know you've done something only a few can do. So get on it.
There still isn't much info on the Burnside Bridgehead project that will be going up next to the park in the next year or so, but there will be another meeting next month that I'll be at and I should be able to nail down some more details. The PDC has had a rough few months lately so I need to sit down with the director and a few others to re-introduce the skatepark and what it means to the city of Portland. I don't think that the new people in charge realize the importance of what the skatepark is to the history of skateboarding or to the history of Portland. I guess I'm the guy to remind them. Feel free to leave a comment here or e-mail me at if you think you have something to add and I'll make sure to bring it up next time I speak to them, which is once a month.
So there it is. My return to the interweb and the Burnside website. I'll be taking photos of the jersey barrier banks this weekend and trying to hunt down photos of the bump to pole jam from some locals and get them posted soon.
That's it. Go skate!