A Long 4th of July Weekend
Thursday, July 8
The 4th of July. A three day weekend. Warm and sunny. You would think that with such a perfect weekend I would have skated a lot and, having a new digital camera, I would be able to post some good pics of the locals ripping it up. But no, I didn't even touch my board the entire weekend.
During the weekend I moved further out into suburban hell than I ever dreamed I would. It's funny, while I was growing up I lived fairly close in and would skate from my house to downtown pretty regularly. I always said I would never live east of 82nd. Well, I moved east of 82nd and swore I would never move east of I-205. When I moved east of 205 I said this is as far as it gets, that is until I moved east of 122nd. That was the last straw. I would never live further out than that. Here's a lesson to everyone. Never, ever say these things. I don't know what it is but I keep moving further and further away from Portland. I now live in Clackamas of all places. It's not that bad and we moved there for a good reason. My oldest boy starts kindergarten next year and we wanted to make sure we were in a good school district. The Portland public schools have been taking a nose dive for the past umpteen years and we had to get out for him.
Anyhow, before we moved I wanted to get the house fixed up. I installed about 375 sq. ft. of hardwood floors and it sucked. After spending days hunched over pounding staples and cutting boards, there was no way I was going to go skate. I could hardly stand up straight, let alone try and really ride a skateboard.
So there you have it, my three day weekend of sunny, warm days spent inside a house pounding boards. I guess I could have posted pics of my new floor, but this isn't a home improvement site.
This next weekend I will make it up and take a ton of shots of the park and locals. I'm looking at possibly adding another page to the site dedicated to photos. If I do it, you'll see a new link appear over on the right. If not, you'll see the pics right here.
That's it. Go skate!