
DLH Productions is the work of Portland's very own Dave Hupp. He's a local professional photographer that has been shooting and filming skateboarding in the Northwest for years. His work can be seen in movies, magazines, and more. Check out his website and tell him Burnsideskatepark.com sent you.
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"Built without permission, by skateboarders and later sanctioned by the city, Burnside is the preeminent example of action.... Like a magnifying glass in the sun, Burnside can witness a concentration of skill level unmatched anywhere. You can see crazy, crazy things there. Go, watch, learn, be humbled, excited and inspired. It is amazing."
- From Skate Oregon

Skaters Helping Skaters

Tuesday, April 4
I received the following e-mail and think it's something every skater should see. This is a very active skateboard advocate and she has done a ton for the skateboard community.
A valued member of Portland's skateboarding community sustained a severe head injury on Thursday while skating an indoor park here in Portland. "Severe, " like pool of blood, unconscious and convulsing. "Severe, " like paramedics strapped her to a board and took her away in an ambulance to the trauma ward severe. "Severe, " like she could have died severe.

the full story

She's gonna need some help folks, and she deserves it-she's raised thousands upon thousands of dollars for parks here in portland, and her video-screening-as-fundraisers have been duplicated all over the world to great success. She gives back to skateboarding in ways that few others do. To put it simply kids, Sarah is a fucking soldier, and skaters everywhere should know it and thank her for her work.

I visited her in the hospital yesterday. There was a steady flow of visitors since she woke up, and if you don't mind me saying, it was a pretty beautiful, if not tragic scene. When she heard about the outpouring of support so far, the whole room got a little teary-eyed... Sorry to get fruity, but skateboarding is family, and we won't forget that.

She's been released from the hospital, and is beginning her recovery. She wants to offer her thanks, and for everyone to know that she appreciates everything that you've done. Every card, every comment, every message, every dollar you've donated is appreciated.

Here's a link to the SPS forum, where you can see how this has affected the SPS family. Sign up and leave her some encouraging words.

I'd like to list the individuals who've helped so far, but this is already getting a little long...

Thanks for reading, and keep a good thought for Sarah.
Paul (From SPS)

That's it. Go skate!

4/04/2006 09:56:00 AM :: ::
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Created by weekendwarrior 2004

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Who are these guys that kill it at Burnside? The plan is to interview a different local each month to get different views from the people that skate one of the best parks in the world.
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Contact us with any questions or comments you might have concerning the park. We'll try to get back to you as quick as we can.
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