The Official Burnside Skatepark Website?
Thursday, October 7
Yes, this could be considered the official website for Burnside. There is the first Burnside site too, that is a great photo history of the park and it's skaters, but this is one of only a few places you will find the link. Thanks to Bret, the owner of the original site, the Burnside web address is redirected to my site.
I'm sure some people might think, "Who is this guy? What makes him think he can make an official Burnside site?". Because I'm the Weekend Warrior and I can do what ever the hell I want. For real though, my name is Chuck Willis and I've been a local at Burnside since the mixing of the first bag of 'crete. I've always supported the park and have recently taken on being the local contact for the politicos. There is quite a bit of property development in the immediate vicinity and near future and my job is to make sure the park is taken care of.
One way I thought would help keep the park safe from encroaching developers is to keep the public awareness high on all things Burnside. I figured a website that is updated pretty regularly would help keep people coming back. That way, if there is ever a problem that needs massive public support, the word should be able to spread pretty quick.
Speaking of which, I'm not sure if anyone is aware of this, but this site is designed so that anybody coming through can comment on what is being said. There is a comment link at the bottom of each post. If you click it, it will open a new box for you to leave whatever comment you have. I've set it up so you can either leave your name or post anonymously. Even if it's just to say "I was here", that's cool.
Anyhow, thanks for coming by and I am working on getting everything updated by the end of next weekend.
That's it. Go skate!