
DLH Productions is the work of Portland's very own Dave Hupp. He's a local professional photographer that has been shooting and filming skateboarding in the Northwest for years. His work can be seen in movies, magazines, and more. Check out his website and tell him Burnsideskatepark.com sent you.
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"Built without permission, by skateboarders and later sanctioned by the city, Burnside is the preeminent example of action.... Like a magnifying glass in the sun, Burnside can witness a concentration of skill level unmatched anywhere. You can see crazy, crazy things there. Go, watch, learn, be humbled, excited and inspired. It is amazing."
- From Skate Oregon

What's spent in Vegas stays in Vegas

Thursday, July 29
I just got back from a couple weeks of vacation. Last week I was in Vegas just hanging out. I didn't lose too much money, it was mostly just having a good time. I was thinking I might check out a couple of the parks in the area, but 110 degrees is a little too hot for my blood. It was usually still running around 85 at 2:00 in the morning too. It was my first time there and I've decided that I will be back every year. It was easy to party until early in the morning and still feel like you're going home early.

This week I was in Spokane, actually a bit north at a place called Loon Lake. I was there with family just hanging. About halfway between Loon Lake and Spokane is a town called Deer Park. They have a small pre-fab park that isn't worth the time to stop, so I went into Spokane to ride the Hillyard park that was built by Grindline (photos coming soon). I usually like Grindline parks, but Hillyard wasn't one of their best, in my opinion. The park had a great flow to it, but the surface was super slick, it was like skating on masonite. The park has a snake run that wraps around the park and the two big square bowls in the center. The problem I had with the big bowls was that they were over-vert. I don't have a problem with over-vert if that is what was intended, but I don't think that is what they were going for here. It was still a fun ride though. Definatly worth stopping for a couple of hours if your in the area. Just watch out for all of the little kids on their bikes, roller blades, and scooters.

That's it. Go skate!

7/29/2004 11:57:00 AM :: ::
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Who are these guys that kill it at Burnside? The plan is to interview a different local each month to get different views from the people that skate one of the best parks in the world.
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